AQAA 2023 Holds May 19 As Stakeholders set to Deepen Culture of Quality

To deepen conversation around quality and standard,  Organisers of the African Quality Achievement Awards (AQAA)
have concluded plans to engage professionals, practitioners and government on the issue of quality culture and management at the forthcoming  2023 edition of the award.

The event is scheduled to hold  at Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos on May 19th, 2023. It would be attended by Dr. Hazza khaifan Aineaimei; Chairman Dubai Quality Group, Celestine O. Okanya; Chairman, Pan Africa Quality Infrastructure (PAQI), Mrs Sandhya Boygah; DG Mauritius Standard Bureau, Raymond Murenzi; DG Rwanda Bureau of Standards and Lt. col (rtd.) Bernard.N. Njirani; MD Kenya bureau of Standards.

According to Mrs. Ifeoma Favour Emeka, Secretary, AQAA General Committee Chairman, AQAA is an annual event initiated to celebrate leadership in quality management in Africa. It is aimed at identifying, recognising and rewarding companies and products that apply Quality Culture and Quality Management best practice in achieving their corporate objectives

She said, “As part of the event, we have the Africa Quality Congress (AQC), which is a forum of ideas dedicated towards driving quality agenda. The congress is said to be an informative and inspiring day of new ideas, stimulating debates. It will provide delegates with greater understanding of how operational effectiveness and efficiency is vital to organizational success.”

This year’s event will also provide organization to experience the waterfront of civic centre exhibitions. Participating as an exhibitor at the 2023 AQAA can take your brand straight to the target audience and demonstrate your support for quality management, she stated.

Mrs. Emeka revealed that a special publication for the event tagged “The Quality Standards Journal” is expected to be unveiled at the event. The publication is a collector item for all lovers of quality and standard in Nigeria.

“The Quality Standards Journal is a Pan Africa Magazine that organizes Quality and Standards information available to Africans. It is the central source of information regarding Standards and Quality Management. The magazine is published by World Quality Alliance, with the support of African Quality Institute.”

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