Dentsu Identifies 10 Trends Reshaping Media In 2023
The geopolitical, cultural, economic and technological changes that have been reshaping advertising and media will continue in 2023, according to the 2023 edition of an annual “Media Trends” guide compiled by Dentsu International.
The report, which draws on insights gathered from the field by the holding company’s media agency networks — Carat, Dentsu X and iProspect — identifies 10 fundamental shifts covering content, commerce and community, as well as top line recommendations for adapting to them.
“This year we witnessed a very different geopolitical landscape and a new and challenging economic outlook, which has forced brands and people to really stop and reevaluate many things, states Dentsu International Global CEO of Media & Global Clients Peter Huijboom, adding: “Through all this uncertainty, we’ve been able to see the emergence of new consumer behaviors, exciting tech innovation and the spark of profitable new media opportunities for brands.”
Among the key findings contributing to imminent shifts in media strategy include:
Ad-supported video-on-demand services overtaking subscription services, which is being accelerated by major streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+ adding ad-supported tiers.
The continuing mainstreaming of gaming platforms and services.
A shift toward attention-based metrics.
A shift toward “always-on” shopping patterns.
The rise of retail media platforms.
The rise of “super apps” comprising their own “ecosystems.”
The official demise of third-party cookies.
The ascendence of live event marketing by major brands.
The continuing dominance of social algorithms.
The continuing shift toward “brand responsibility.”
Credit: Media Post