Five Indicators of Tourism’s Potential in Africa
The continent of Africa is beautiful. Have you taken a tour round its major African cities? You can definitely tell why Africa is home to lots of beautiful and amazing tourist destinations. Indeed, the future of Africa’s economy is dependent on how the potential of tourism is properly harnessed. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency shares five interesting indicators of tourism becoming the biggest contributor to Africa’s tourism.
Diversity of landscapes and cultural richness
The continent is one of the most beautiful travel destinations in the world, if not the most beautiful. There are too many amazing destinations to visit in Africa. Some examples of the beautiful destinations include: Tsavo National Park in Kenya; Semien Mountains National Park in Ethiopia; Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; Olumo & Zuma Rock in Nigeria; Victoria Falls Bridge in Zimbabwe; Kasubi Tombs in Uganda; Cape Coast Castle in Ghana; Krugar National Park in South Africa; Pyramids of Giza in Egypt; and Lago Rosa in Senegal. If you want to truly discover Africa, schedule a vacation to visit any of these destinations. Remember to book your flight & hotel accommodation on Jumia Travel.
Young and urban population…part of the growing middle class
The youth are the future of any nation’s economy. Surprisingly, the African youths are now part of the growing middle class. Traveling, to an extent, can be expensive. Only those with the required purchasing power can conveniently travel. According to the recently released hospitality report on Africa, the growing middle class, comprising majorly of youth, are found to travel more to these destinations in 2016. Since the future of the African economies lies with the youth, tourism is bound to thrive largely.
Growing uptake of e-commerce, enabling rise of tech startups
The rise of e-commerce companies in Africa has propelled more and more tech startups in the continent. As e-commerce continues to experience a gradual boom, additional employments will be created; more people will have the means to travel and explore these beautiful destinations.
Infrastructure improvements (roads, airports, dams)
As much as there’s a deficit of infrastructure development in Africa, there’s still hope after all. Government institutions in each country are now making frantic efforts to provide the enabling environment for tourism to thrive, such as provision of good roads; building world-class airports (and rehabilitating old ones); ensuring 24/7 power supply; and many more. These improvements will ease the stress of traveling to or within the continent.
Increasing interest for the continent (airlines, international hotel chains, event organization)
Africa is like a beautiful woman with many attractive features. The future of the world’s economy is in Africa – the 2nd largest continent in the world. Realizing this fact, organisations are rising up to invest in the continent, considering how much potential it has. More and more airlines are being introduced almost every year; international hotel chains are expanding into Africa; event organisations and many couldn’t help but come to Africa to tap into the resources of the continent.